Ranked Poetry Blogroll

Blogger Poets' News, Thoughts, & Ramblings

(top 20)
  1. Blogalicious
  2. One Poet's Notes
  3. the word cage
  4. Emperor of Ice-Cream Cakes: Poems Are Jokes
  5. Baroque in Hackney
  6. Collin Kelley: Modern Confessional
  7. This Is All Your Fault
  8. Mathematical Poetry
  9. Book of Kells
  10. Afraid of the Dark
  11. Leftover Flying
  12. Cahiers de Corey
  13. Madge McKeithen
  14. Dialectical Migrations
  15. Almost I rushed from home to tell you this
  16. Silliman’s Blog
  17. The Virtual World
  18. Al Filreis
  19. Avoiding the Muse
  20. Enchilada's Salon

Poetry from the Blogger

(top 20)
  1. Poetry Comics
  2. Autism
  3. Ruby Street
  4. peony moon
  5. machine language
  6. Gnoetry Daily
  7. McSweeney's Discount Submarines
  8. Land Mammal
  9. Lorna Dee Cervantes
  10. Wanderer Thoughts
  11. Sky Rope (Subterranean Rappel)
  12. Open Spaces
  13. Image & Verse
  14. Caught in the Stream
  15. Musings from Gelli Fach
  16. Creative Musings
  17. Poetry Soul Closet
  18. Poetic MindState
  19. Poetry Matters with Barry Spacks

Poetry from Others

(top 10)
  1. Sanctuaries, Dreams and Shadows
  2. Intersections: Poetry and Mathematics
  3. The Gladdest Thing
  4. Classic Poetry Aloud
  5. Blue Positive
  6. In a Dark Time ...
  7. JustAudio2008's Poetry & Audio Classics


(top 10)
  1. Poetic Asides
  2. How a Poem Happens
  3. NaPoWriMo
  4. poem. a virtual poetry group

Poetry News & Commentary

(top 10)
  1. THE The Poetry Blog
  2. poetry dispatch
  3. First Book Interviews
  4. The Best American Poetry
  5. coldfront
  6. About.com Poetry
  7. Topics and Events

Poetry Lite

(top 5)
  1. A Poem a Day
  2. Good Morning Doggerland!
  3. Professor Roy and the Amazingly Bad Poetry Journal
  4. Rinkly Rimes


  1. Pallimed Arts & Humanities

Also Rans
  1. sonnets at 4 a.m.
  2. The Quiet One
  3. World Class Poetry Blog
  4. Poetry & Poets in Rags
  5. Entropy and me